Thursday, July 30, 2009

Pyramid Audacious Apricot Ale


Brewery: Pyramid Brewing Co.; Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, Berkeley, CA
Brew: Audacious Apricot Ale
Pour: Nice. Doesn't fall too quickly. Pretty foam.
Appearance: Colored like a hefeweizen, light orange. This is obviously a wheat ale. Zach says it looks like an overly ripe orange.
Aroma: Peaches and Cream (so says Zach), I say apricots. Maybe he's never had apricots. They are a little similar. But yes, an abundance of apricots and clove. Malty.
First sip: Off flavors of lemongrass. Very fruity. A bit apricoty, yes, but more mixed fruitiness than anything.
Mouthfeel: Not too heavy, but nice feel. Nice and fizzy for a few seconds before going down.
Finish: Delicate. Like if green had a flavor. Maybe I'm tasting that weird lemongrass again.
Notes: This beer also brought to you by Suzie and Zach Drink Beer Night.

Pyramid Thunderhead IPA


Brewery: Pyramid Brewing Co.; Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, Berkeley, CA
Brew: Thunderhead India Pale Ale
Pour: THICK pour, but not the head so much, no. A few big bubbles.
Appearance: Amber and as Zach-Attack says, a little bit of orange.
Aroma: Hoppy with a wee bit of fruit.
First sip: Hoppy as hell. Lemony with a little bit of grapefruit. A bit of pineapple and mango.
Mouthfeel: Very nice, balanced: not overly heavy and not watery. Zach says it's a little thick.
Finish: A little hoppy bitterness with a hint of sweetness.
Notes: This beer tasting brought to you by Suzie and Zach Drink Beer Night.

Pyramid Haywire Hefeweizen


Pyramid Brewing Co.; Seattle, WA, Berkeley, CA, Portland, OR
Brew: Haywire Hefeweizen
Pour: A little bit of foam, large bubbles. Light density.
Appearance: Unfiltered amber color. Almost looks like orange juice.
Aroma: Nice malt. A little bit of fruit. Maybe bubblegum and iron? Strange...
First sip: Bland. A little bit of iron. Too much hops. A tiny bit of orange.
Mouthfeel: Light, a little watery.
Finish: Nonexistent. A little tiny bit of hops in the back of the throat, but not really much of anything.
Notes: I love Hefe, but this is terrible. Like funky soda water.

Widmer Broken Halo IPA


Brewery: Widmer Brothers; Portland, OR
Brew: Broken Halo India Pale Ale
Pour: Very light head. Tiny bubbles. Syrupy pour. Very thick, just no head.
Appearance: Coppery-blonde with a red glow. Nice amber. Non-transparent.
Aroma: Fruity, nice hops. Typical of an IPA.
First sip: Pineapple first, followed by fruity sweetness. Lots of fruit.
Mouthfeel: Pleasant carbonation, but a little heavy.
Finish: Hoppy finish. Mouthwatery at the very end, but no saltiness.
Notes: Easy to drink (for me, the hophead, at least). Good session beer.

Sierra Nevada Summerfest Lager 2009

Brewery: Sierra Nevada; Chico, CA
Brew: Summerfest Lager 2009
Pour: Medium head. Big bubbles; lots of carbonation. Head disappears pretty quickly.
Appearance: Rich golden blonde colour.
Aroma: A little hoppy. No other discernible aromas.
First sip: Very light hops. Very little/no malt. No depth or character.
Mouthfeel: Very light, even for a lager/pilsner.
Finish: A little bitter at the end, but mostly clean.
Notes: What a pity! Sierra Nevada usually makes good beer. It's better than Bud Light, but not any better than a Budweiser (ouch). I hate being disappointed by beer. FAIL.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Samuel Adams Imperial White


Samuel Adams, The Boston Beer Company; Boston, Mass.
Brew: Imperial White
Pour: Like an apricot syrup! Not at all what I was expecting from a witbier. Rich syrup with almost no head.
Appearance: Rich apricot and gold with a bronze heart. A little yeast protein.
Aroma: Weird. Apricots. Definitely a wheat malt, complete with cloves and vanilla.
First sip: Strong apricot as expected (well, now). A little grapefruit. Cloves, vanilla. Nuttiness.
Mouthfeel: Very heavy. Almost no fizz. Heavy alcohol and syrupy feel.
Finish: Pretty dry. Taste doesn't linger but for just a moment. Maybe a little wood. (that's what she said!)
Notes: Jason says he now hates all other beer. How cute. Personally, I love how different it is from virtually any other beer I've had (thus far). Really, it's a very very good beer. However, this is NOT a good session beer.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Carlsberg Lager


Brewery: Carlsberg; Copenhagen, Denmark
Brew: Lager
Pour: Thin, not very foamy. Very light.
Appearance: Light gold colour. No bronze. No yeast.
Aroma: Lightly floral. Like lilacs. Light hops, no malt.
First sip: Same floral taste as was in the nose *whiff whiff*. Nice and hoppy without being too bitter. No skunky preservative taste. ♥ Almost no maltiness.
Mouthfeel: Foamy and bubbly on the tongue. Very pleasant. Almost ticklish.
Finish: Creamy. Very cream aftertaste with a long light finish. Salty, then creamy, then finally a last hint at a woody bitterness.
Notes: Nice little lager. Very good for people that like Heineken (UGH) to try as a step up (WAY up).